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Integrated Media Finalists

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Integrated Media Campaign
Entrant: mortierbrigade, Brussels
Studio Brussel - Music for Life - "Black Boy Wanting Water"
Media Type: Ambient, Digital Media, Television/Cinema
URL Address:
Corporate Name of Client: Studio Brussels
Agency: mortierbrigade, Brussels
Executive Creative Directors: Jens Mortier/Joost Berends/Philippe Deceuster
Copywriters: Tim/Joeri/Dieter
Art Directors: Tim/Joeri/Dieter
Executive Agency Producer: Patricia Vandekerckhove
Production Company: Caviar, Brussels
Executive Producer: Kato Maes
Director: Kurt Deleyer

Basic description of the project:
charity event 'music for life', by radio station studio brussels and the red cross, wanted to raise money for drinkable water for Afrika. the insight: every tv host has a glass of water. it's so normal, nobody even notices anymore. Until a black boy showed up on Flanders' best watched station 'één' during three days, in prime time. He drank the host's glass of water and then ran of. the whole thing started to spread on the internet and other media. the only thing left to do: claim the campaign. in 6 days time, people donated 3,3 million euro